Food Use Program

The mission of the Food Use Program is to facilitate regulatory approval of sustainable pest management technology for food crops to promote public health and well being.  The IR-4 field team coordinates residue trials and efficacy and crop safety trials with university researchers and private cooperators.  Crop samples from the field trials are subsequently analyzed for pesticide residue at IR-4 laboratories including the facility at UC Davis.  All field and laboratory residue trials are conducted according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Good Laboratory Practices.

This process starts with nomination of new projects with pesticide, crop and use pattern in the summer of each year.  A public workshop is held in early fall to prioritize the projects that will start the following year.  Efficacy and crop safety trials are also coordinated as needed.  Crops are grown in the field, the pesticide is applied in the intended commercial use, the crop is harvested and sent to a lab for residue analysis.  The Quality Assurance unit provides quality oversite and compliance according to Good Laboratory Practices.  A final report is sent on to EPA to support the registration package.

Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved.
